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Bee Gzzz SBDC Success Story

Economic Impact

  • Business Expansion
  • Owners Investment
  • TIRZ Grant
  • Jobs Retained: 4 

Jennifer Smart contacted the SBDC to receive assistance on developing her application for the City of San Angelo’s Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) program. TIRZ was created in 2006 and is designed to encourage revitalization and infill development of properties which fall within the Chadbourne Street Corridor. These incentives are part of an overall strategy to leverage investment, lower the cost of doing business, and incentivize property owners choosing to improve properties in the target area.

Jennifer owns Bee Gzzz, a drive-thru convenience store located on the North Chadbourne corridor. Jennifer’s project included repainting the exterior and installing landscaping to improve curb appeal.

Another interesting angle to her project was to turn the empty space along the north side of her store into a designated outdoor dining area. This part of the project included fencing the empty lot and adding a large gate to provide a designated space where a food truck can park, adding picnic tables, and installing landscaping and gravel walking paths. This part of the project allows Jennifer to support other small businesses, food trucks, to park and sell freshly prepared meals, and support a significant TIRZ goal of making the Chadbourne corridor a leisure and tourist destination. With guidance from her Advisor, Angelina Osornio Torres, Jennifer developed a compelling application, resulting in her project being selected for TIRZ funding!

“Thank you Angelina! We couldn’t have done this without your help. We are grateful or the service you guys offered for small business owners.”

Jennifer Smart