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Chemistry Student Group Wins National Award

May 15, 2024

Angelo State University’s student chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS) received an Outstanding Chapter Award from the national ACS Committee on Education for the chapter’s activities during the 2022-23 academic year.

This marks the 19th straight year the ASU chapter has received a year-end award from the national ACS, and the Outstanding Award is the highest recognition possible. Only 71 of the more than 450 student chapters in the U.S. received an Outstanding Award for 2022-23.

For its Outstanding Award, the ASU chapter was recognized for its participation in chemistry outreach activities, attendance at national meetings, and fundraising and social events. Chapter members annually take part in Earth Day and National Chemistry Week activities. They also conduct a campus speaker program, have regular fundraising events, and frequently include local and area high school students in their activities. Members also present their research at various organizational meetings, including the national ACS and Texas Academy of Science.

The ASU chapter and other award-winning chapters were honored at the ACS National Meeting and Exposition this spring in New Orleans. A list of the award-winning chapters was also published in Chemical & Engineering News and the inChemistry student magazine.