Mitchell, N. R., C. W. Boal, and B. R. Skipper. 2020. Distribution, density, and land cover associations of wintering Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains. Western North American Naturalist 80:452-461.
Skipper, B. R., D. Kim, and C. Morris. 2020 Seasonal abundance and nutritional concentration of grassland arthropods. Western North American Naturalist 80:19-27.
Chodacki, G. D. and B. Skipper. 2019. Partitioning of foraging habitat by three kingfishers (Alcedinidae: Cerylinae) along the South Llano River, Texas, USA. Waterbirds. 42:231-236.
Skipper, B. and C. Boal. 2019. Nest-defense behavior of Mississippi kites in urban and exurban areas. Human-Wildlife Interactions 13:142-149.
Welch-Acosta, B. B. R. Skipper, and C. Boal. 2019. Comparative breeding ecology of Mississippi kite in urban and exurban areas of west Texas. Journal of Field Ornithology 90:248-257.
Skipper, B., C. Boal, J. Tsai, and M. Fuller. 2017. Assessment of frequency and duration of point counts when surveying for golden eagles. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:212-223.
Welch, B., C. Boal, and B. Skipper. 2017. Environmental influences on nesting phenology and productivity of Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississipiensis). Condor 119:298-307.
Skipper, B., B. Grisham, M. Kalyvaki, K. McGaughey, K. Mougey, L. Navarrete, Rondeau, C. Boal, and G. Perry. 2013. Non-overlapping distributions of feral sheep (Ovis aries) and stout iguana (Cyclura pinguis) on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. IRCF – Reptiles and Amphibians 20:7-15.
Skipper, B. and D. Kim. 2013. Provisioning rate, dietary composition, and prey selection of breeding bobolinks and grasshopper sparrows. Western North American Naturalist 73:1-6.
Navarrete, L., B. Grisham, M. Kalyvaki, K. McGaughey, K. Mougey, B. Skipper, G. Perry, and C. Boal. 2013. Activity patterns of Black-necked Stilts in the British Virgin Islands. Caribbean Journal of Ornithology 26:17-21.
Skipper, B. and C. Boal. 2011. Female American kestrel survives double amputation. Journal of Raptor Research 45:374-375.
Boal, W., B. D. Bibles, M. M. Pryor, and B. R. Skipper. 2022. Mississippi kite nest defense: is there an influence of nest phenology or human activity? Journal of Raptor Research 56:356-361