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Pedro Gutierrez World War I Collection: Images and Postcards

Front of a postcard that Pedro Gutierrez sent to his oldest daughter during World War I. Mr. Gutierrez is the middle person in the top row.

Postcards and images of Pedro Gutierrez from the World War I Era.

Submitted by Raymond Gutierrez
  • Portrait of Pedro Gutierrez. 

    Pedro Gutierrez

    Served in: World War I 

    Pedro Gutierrez served in the U. S. Army between May 28, 1918 and June 16, 1919. He was deployed with the American Expeditionary Force to Europe between July 18, 1918 and June 2, 1919. During World War II, he joined the Texas Defense Guard (18 June, 1942-September 23, 1943).