Dr. Saravanan Ramasamy
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- saravanan.ramasamy@angelo.edu
- Phone
- 325-486-6627
- Office
- Cavness Science Building 214A
- Weaver, M., Ramasamy, S., “Study of Influence of Size and Relative Concentration Gold Nanoparticles and CDSe Quantum Dots on Metal Enhancement Fluorescence”, Poster presentation at ACS Southwest Regional Meeting (2018), Little Rock, AR
- Womack, T., Ramasamy, S., “Study of Effect of Distance on the Metal Enhancement Fluorescence of CdSe Quantum Dots”, Poster presentation at ACS Southwest Regional Meeting (2018), Little Rock, AR
- Nelson, D.J., Nguyen, T., Ramasamy, S., Hastings, W., Rather, S. “Comparing Concepts Across Introductory Organic Chemistry Textbooks: Cyclohexane Conformers, Carbonyl Reactions, and Substitution Versus Elimination”, Poster presentation at the South West Regional Meeting – American Chemical Society (2012), Baton Rouge, LA
- Ramasamy, S., Nelson, D.J., and Kumar, R. “Comparing Carbonyl Chemistry in Comprehensive Introductory Organic Chemistry Textbooks”, Oral presentation at the 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting (2014), Dallas, TX
- Ramasamy, S. and Halterman R. L. (2014). “Metal-enhanced fluorescence of gold nanoparticle and silica layered CdSe/ZnS quantum dot aggregates”, Oral presentation at the 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting (2014), Dallas, TX