August 3, 1970
Mr. Guy D. Andrews
114 Southeast 10th Street
Plainview, Texas 79072
Dear Mr. Andrews:
Receipt is acknowledged of your communication of July 24, 1970, and your resignation as a Clerk-Stenographer, Grade GS 4, Series 312, is accepted effective July, 1970.
There is enclosed Form 3-574, “Notification of Reemployment Rights Following Military Service and Other Potential Benefit.”
If you do not enter military service, or if you are rejected and fail to return to the Bureau’s service, you will be indebted to the Government for the cost of your transportation from your actual place of residence at the time of your appointment to Washington, D.C., because you will have failed to fulfill your signed agreement to remain in the service of this Bureau for a period of one year following the date you reported for duty. Records indicate a total of $54.65 has been paid to you in connection with your travel to Washington, D.C. After you enter military service, please submit written evidence from your commanding officer confirming your entry into such service.
As you know, “The Investigator” includes news of the servicemen from the Bureau, obtained from the letters we receive. We will be glad to send you “The Investigator” on receipt of your military address. Please keep us posted on address changes.
It is a pleasure to know you have enjoyed your employment with the Bureau and your kind remarks are appreciated. I want to take this opportunity to extend to you my best wishes for a successful tour of duty in the Armed Forces.
Sincerely yours,
J. Edgar Hoover
Enclosures (5)