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Ellis, C.R., R.E. Jones, C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor, Jr., J.W. Walker, and D.F. Waldron. 2005. Sire influence on juniper consumption by goats. Rangeland Ecology and Management 58:324-328
Frost, R.A., C.B. Scott, J.W. Walker, and F.S. Hartmann. 2003. Effects of origin, genetics, and experiences early in life on bitterweed consumption by sheep. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 84:251-264.
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Straka, E., C.B. Scott, C.A. Taylor, Jr., E. M. Bailey. 2004. Biological control of the toxic shrub juniper. pp. 436-442. In: Acamovic, T., C.S. Stewart, and T.W. Pennycott (eds.) Poisonous Plants and Related Toxins. CABI Publishing, London.