Nita, Howdy, Sis. ‘Tis old Bud speaking, preparing you 5/14/44 for JTAC, launching a “molding” influence. Some things you must know & do: many college “fish” are know-it-all “upstarts.” They profess to know all the answers—socially & politically; their kind of panaceas are world cure-alls! Either the gov’t should be “Red,” “White” or “Blue”! Yes, they are “hot-stuff.” You’ll be told to join the “Rebeccas,” “SOS,” etc. sorority, lest you be a “hick.” Join only literary sororities. Better, work as a staff member, “J-TAC,” college paper. (You would like a Journalism curriculum—whatever you persue [sic], work in a sem. of typing, etiquette, “expression.” Don’t waste time on music. Artists are started in childhood. Make “beaucoup de” friends by poise, personality, tact—not by art of coquetry. Study human nature—be appraisal minded. Use your dictionary as a bible. Seek advise from Dean Davis & “Aunt Lucy.” Attend Dean Davis’ Sunday School classes.) Orient yourself this summer for the Fall semester. (Stay, stay in the dormitory & work to defray expenses—if possible.) This letter is the authority for you to draw on my Acct., DNb. Nat. Bank. (Dress super-femininely. Attend college dances, but don’t be a “damn” Jitterbug. (Remember, your chastity is that mystic, precious emerald—to be “used” only by the person whom you marry! The hem of your skirt your “Siegfried” line. If you fall in love & want to marry, well do so! I love Evvy & wouldn’t part with married life. “Peg,” too, did wonderfully well.
(This is Mother’s Day. Sweet, when you’re my age, you’ll realize how dear Mother & Dad really are.) Mom sacrificed “niceties” & wore shredded under-ware to see me through college. (Now you are “molded”.) Ahem!
After “lo Guerre,” I’m presenting to Eva’s folk & ours, $1,000 each—in appreciation.
How I’d like to see Mom & Dad when I return: –Mom, with long, rolled hair; Dad, with a mustache—like Uncle Lee’s! Please?
Eva’s a little peeved at me because I requested 30c Air Mail. They come in 25 days. The others in 120—if then! My love to Eva & All. Write me weekly—Air Mail. OK? OK! Cheerio & love, Nita, your Bud, Doyle