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Conflicts of Interest in Research

Federal and state funding agencies have a myriad of compliance requirements for all institutions receiving grant funding. Of these compliance requirements, perhaps none is as daunting to understand as the certifications regarding conflicts of interest. Several potential conflicts of interest may exist:

While each type of conflict of interests must be carefully considered before, during, and after the grant submission, award, and management processes, for the purposes of this page, the main type of conflict of interest we will focus on is the Financial Conflict of Interest.

Policy and Procedure

Angelo State University’s Operating Policy 56.08 applies to all faculty and staff who serve as the principal investigator, project director, or other senior/key personnel responsible for the development and conduct of a sponsored project.


Numerous federal and private agencies have developed resources related to financial conflict of interest. For additional information regarding agency policies, frequently asked questions, and implementation of conflict of interest policies at other institutions, please visit the Websites listed below.