Protection of Human Subjects
All research activity conducted at or sponsored by Angelo State University that involves human subjects, that is, living individuals about whom an investigator (professional or student) conducting research obtains (a) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (b) identifiable private information, is subject to OP 56.03, “Protection of Human Subjects in Research.”
Projects subject to OP 56.03 must undergo review and approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the beginning of data collection. For those projects involving human subjects that are funded by an external sponsor, IRB approval must be received before any funds may be expended.
Projects must be submitted electronically via the IRB’s Blackboard site; paper submissions are not accepted. Instructions for accessing the IRB Blackboard site, completing the application, and preparing the informed consent form are provided in the Important Documents sidebar.
Please send any questions to the IRB Chair, Dr. Cheryl Stenmark, Professor, Department of Psychology: