Guidelines for Stationery and Business Cards
Section 26 of the university Operating Policies and Procedures outlines Angelo State University’s policies regarding stationery and business cards. The Stationery and Business Card Guidelines are designed to augment the policies by providing more specific detail for printers.
The template for stationery and business cards should not be redrawn, re-proportioned or modified in any way. Departmental or office information as permitted in the policy may be positioned per these guidelines.
- The logo measuring 1.28” x .78” should be printed in the upper right corner of the letterhead. “Angelo State University” should be in 12 point Charter, all caps. The office or department name should be printed in 9 point Charter, upper and lower case.
- Where approved by the department head, the name of a subunit of the department may be included in 9 point Charter, upper and lower case.
- Information on addresses, phone numbers, etc., should be in 8 point Charter, upper and lower case, in the bottom right corner of the page.
- “Member, Texas Tech University System * Equal Opportunity Employer” should appear beneath the contact information in 8 point Charter, upper and lower case.
- Letterhead should be printed with a right margin of .875”. The top margin should be 1.0” and the bottom margin should be .5”.
- Departmental correspondence should not extend beyond the right edge of the logo.
- The logo measuring .85” x .52” should be printed in the upper left corner of the envelope. “Angelo State University” should be in 11 point Charter, all caps, to the right of the logo.
- “Member, Texas Tech University System” should follow in 7 point Charter Italic.
- The office or department name should be printed in 9 point Charter, upper and lower case. Where approved by the department head, the name of a subunit of the department may appear below the department name.
- The return address should be printed in 8 point Charter, upper and lower case beneath the department name.
- Envelopes should be printed with a left margin of .25” and a top margin of .25”.
Business Cards
- The logo measuring .85” x .52” should be printed in the upper left corner of the business card. “Angelo State University” should be printed to its right in 11 point Charter, all caps.
- “From Here, It’s Possible.” should be centered on a baseline .125” beneath the logo in 6 point Charter Italic, upper and lower case.
- “Member, Texas Tech University System” should be beneath the university name in 7 point Charter Italic, upper and lower case.
- The faculty or staff member’s name should be printed in 9 point Charter, upper and lower case. The employee’s title and office name should be printed in 8 point Charter, upper and lower case. The address and phone number information should be printed in 6.75 point Charter, upper and lower case.
- Business cards should be printed with margins of .15”.
ASU Colors:
The official colors of ASU are blue and gold. The inks approved as official ASU colors are:
- Blue, Pantone 287
- Gold, Pantone 123